Oku no Matsu [Oku no Matsu Sake Brewery]
Oku no Matsu was founded long ago in 1716, the first year of the Kyoho era. It was named after the "Oku" and "Matsu" of Oshu Nihonmatsu, with pride as a famous sake from Fukushima in the Tohoku region. For over 300 years since then, we have been brewing sake while evolving the inherited traditions and techniques, without resting on our laurels and great history. We are always working to increase Oku no Matsu brand loyalty, and through the manufacture and sale of Oku no Matsu brand products, we aim to contribute to the region, culture, and customers, and to be a company that is trusted and chosen.
This website was made possible by a subsidy from the Monozukuri Manufacturing Subsidy Fund, as amended in FY2022.