Standard Terms and Conditions

Updated at May 9th, 2024

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. General Provisions

  1. These Standard Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") are established to define the conditions for transactions of sake tickets in primary sales transactions and personal transactions, as well as the conditions for the delivery of target products.
  2. Sake sellers shall use these Terms for all market transactions in this market, and users and purchasers shall agree to this.
  3. Users and purchasers shall comply with the Sake World NFT Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "User Terms of Use").

Article 2. Definitions

The terms used in these Terms shall have the following meanings unless otherwise specified:

  1. "This Market" refers to the sales platform "Sake World NFT" for sake tickets, etc.
  2. "This Service" refers to all services provided on this Market.
  3. "Market Administrator" refers to Leaf Publications Co., Ltd.
  4. "User" refers to those who use or intend to use this Market and/or this Service.
  5. "Purchaser" refers to those who intend to purchase or have purchased sake tickets in this Market (including those who have received sake tickets through paid personal transactions, not limited to primary purchasers).
  6. "Primary Sales Transaction" refers to the sale and purchase of sake tickets between sake sellers and purchasers in this Market.
  7. "Primary Purchaser" refers to purchasers who have purchased sake tickets from sake sellers.
  8. "Final Holder" refers to those who currently hold sake tickets that represent a complete and valid right to claim delivery.
  9. "Personal Transaction" refers to the transfer of sake tickets by the final holder to a third party for a fee or free of charge (excluding primary sales transactions).
  10. "Reseller" refers to those who intend to or have received sake tickets through paid personal transactions from the final holder.
  11. "Market Transaction" refers to primary sales transactions and personal transactions.
  12. "Alcoholic Beverages" refers to beverages containing 1% or more alcohol.
  13. "Brewery" refers to those who hold a license to manufacture alcoholic beverages under the Liquor Tax Law.
  14. "Sake Seller" refers to businesses that hold a license to sell alcoholic beverages and are authorized to sell sake tickets in this Market.
  15. "Listing" refers to the act of posting information about alcoholic beverages on this Market for the purpose of selling sake tickets by sake sellers or final holders.
  16. "Product Card" refers to documents (including electronic media) related to sake tickets listed by sake sellers in this Market, which have been reported to the Market Administrator.
  17. "Listed Product" refers to the alcoholic beverages specified in the product card that have been listed.
  18. "Target Product" refers to specific products that sake sellers deliver by exercising the right to claim delivery of listed products.
  19. "Right to Claim Delivery" refers to the right to claim delivery of target products from sake sellers.
  20. "Sake Ticket" refers to non-fungible tokens issued on the blockchain that represent the right to claim delivery.
  21. "Use of Sake Ticket" or "Using Sake Ticket" refers to fulfilling all of the following conditions:
    1. Transferring the sake ticket to the sake seller by the method specified in this Market
    2. Reporting the designated delivery location
    3. Paying the shipping fee, etc., by the method specified in this Market
  22. "Designated Delivery Location" refers to the delivery location of the target product reported to the sake seller by the method specified in this Market.
  23. "Shipping Fee, etc." refers to the fees calculated based on the standards set by the sake seller and the shipping fee to the designated delivery location.
  24. "Sales Contract (Scheduled Date Shipping)" refers to the sales contract of sake tickets established by the purchaser selecting scheduled date shipping as specified in Article 4, Paragraph 2.
  25. "Sake Ticket (Scheduled Date Shipping)" refers to sake tickets issued based on the sales contract (scheduled date shipping).
  26. "Sales Contract (Immediate Shipping)" refers to the sales contract of sake tickets established by the purchaser selecting immediate shipping as specified in Article 4, Paragraph 2.
  27. "Sake Ticket (Immediate Shipping)" refers to sake tickets issued based on the sales contract (immediate shipping).
  28. "Sales Contract (Storage After Shipping)" refers to the sales contract of sake tickets established by the purchaser selecting storage after shipping as specified in Article 4, Paragraph 2.
  29. "Sake Ticket (Storage After Shipping)" refers to sake tickets issued based on the sales contract (storage after shipping).
  30. "Sake Tickets, etc." refers to sake tickets and other products approved for listing by the Market Administrator in this Market.
  31. "Commemorative NFT" refers to non-fungible tokens issued on the blockchain by the sake seller when the use of the sake ticket is completed and confirmed by the sake seller.
  32. "Royalty" refers to the fee received by the sake seller from the parties to the personal transaction based on the transfer value of the sake ticket in the case of a paid personal transaction.
  33. "Market Fee" refers to the fee received by the Market Administrator from the parties to the personal transaction based on the transfer value of the sake ticket in the case of a paid personal transaction.
  34. "Cryptocurrency" refers to cryptocurrency as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 14 of the Payment Services Act.
  35. "Reference Exchange Rate" refers to the latest reference price of the currency pair of cryptocurrency and Japanese yen published by the Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association or other reference prices designated by the Market Administrator.
  36. "Gas Fee" refers to the network fee incurred when conducting transactions on the blockchain.
  37. "Wallet" refers to the service for receiving, storing, displaying, and sending sake tickets and cryptocurrencies, designated by the Market Administrator.
  38. "Wallet Address" refers to the address assigned by the wallet for managing or storing sake tickets and other cryptocurrencies.
  39. "Storage Option" refers to the right to receive the service of storing listed products in the warehouse designated by the sake seller, including the storage method and maximum storage period selected by the purchaser.

Chapter 2. Primary Sales Transaction

Article 3. Listing

  1. Sake sellers can list sake tickets in this Market by following the procedures specified in this Market.
  2. When listing sake tickets in this Market, sake sellers must present all the shipping methods that the purchaser can select from the following:
    1. Scheduled Date Shipping
    2. Immediate Shipping
    3. Storage After Shipping (if there are multiple storage methods, their details)
  3. If the sake seller allows the purchaser to select the first item in the previous paragraph, the sake seller must set the date when the sake ticket can be used (hereinafter referred to as "Available Date") and the date when the target product can be shipped (hereinafter referred to as "Shipping Date," and the date seven days before the Shipping Date is referred to as "Shipping Request Deadline").
  4. If the sake seller allows the purchaser to select the third item in the previous paragraph, the sake seller can set the Available Date and the Shipping Request Deadline.
  5. Sake sellers shall set the shipping fee, etc., as specified in Appendix 1.

Article 4. Purchase Application

  1. Purchasers can apply to purchase sake tickets listed by sake sellers by complying with these Terms and the procedures specified in this Market.
  2. In addition to the purchase application in the previous paragraph, purchasers must select one of the items in the previous article, Paragraph 2, and specify the following matters according to the selected content:
    1. Scheduled Date Shipping: No specified matters
    2. Immediate Shipping: Specifying the delivery location of the target product by the method specified in this Market
    3. Storage After Shipping: Specifying the storage method and storage period by the method specified in this Market

Article 5. Establishment of Sales Contract

  1. When the primary purchaser pays the price for the purchase of the sake ticket and the sake seller accepts the purchase application in the previous article, a sales contract for the sake ticket is established between the sake seller and the primary purchaser.
  2. The price for the purchase of the sake ticket specified in the previous paragraph shall be as follows according to the selected content in the previous article, Paragraph 2:
    1. Scheduled Date Shipping: Price of the sake ticket
    2. Immediate Shipping: Price of the sake ticket and the total amount of the shipping fee, etc., to the designated delivery location
    3. Storage After Shipping: Price of the sake ticket, initial fee based on the standards set by the sake seller, and the fee for the storage option (hereinafter referred to as "Storage Option Fee, etc.")
  3. The payment method for the price of the sake ticket specified in Paragraph 1 shall be Japanese yen credit card payment or cryptocurrency payment set by the sake sellerHowever, the gas fee incurred when using cryptocurrency payment set by the sake seller shall be borne by the primary purchaser, notwithstanding the previous paragraph.
  4. Purchasers cannot cancel the sales contract for the sake ticket after it is established.
  5. Sake sellers shall set the Storage Option Fee, etc., as specified in Appendix 2.

Article 6. Scheduled Date Shipping

  1. When a sales contract (scheduled date shipping) is established, the sake seller shall promptly issue the sake ticket (scheduled date shipping) and deliver it to the primary purchaser.
  2. The final holder can use the sake ticket issued based on the previous paragraph only after the Available Date.
  3. The final holder holding the sake ticket (scheduled date shipping) must complete the use of the sake ticket by the Shipping Request DeadlineNotwithstanding this paragraph, if the use of the sake ticket is not completed by the Shipping Request Deadline, the sake seller can extinguish the sake ticket. If the sake ticket (scheduled date shipping) is extinguished based on this paragraph, the right to claim delivery of the target product represented by the sake ticket will also be lost.
  4. The sake seller shall sell the target product of the extinguished sake ticket (scheduled date shipping) by auction or private saleIf the sake seller gains revenue from the disposal, the sake seller shall send the amount after deducting actual expenses (if the revenue is generated in a currency other than cryptocurrency, it shall be converted to cryptocurrency at the reference exchange rate at the end of the disposal date) to the final holder's wallet (hereinafter referred to as "Final Holder Wallet"). However, this does not apply if the final holder violated these Terms.
  5. The sake seller shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users, purchasers, and final holders due to the extinction of the sake ticket (scheduled date shipping) based on Paragraph 3, except as specified in the previous paragraph.

Article 7. Immediate Shipping

When a sales contract (immediate shipping) is established, the use of the sake ticket by the purchaser is deemed to be completed at the time of the establishment of the sales contract.

Article 8. Storage After Shipping

  1. When a sales contract (storage after shipping) is established, the sake seller shall store the target product by the specified storage method (hereinafter referred to as "Specified Storage Method") based on Article 3, Paragraph 2, Item 3The storage of the target product of the sake ticket (storage after shipping) shall be carried out by the packaging method and form determined by the sake seller.
  2. Before starting storage, the sake seller shall attach an individual identification number to the sake ticket (storage after shipping) delivered to the purchaser and specify the target productAfter specifying the target product by attaching the individual identification number, the final holder can receive the delivery of the target product by using the sake ticket (storage after shipping).
  3. If the sake seller does not hold the target product of the sake ticket (storage after shipping) at the time of the establishment of the sales contract (storage after shipping), the sake seller shall promptly acquire the target product and start storageIf the sake seller has set the Shipping Date in advance, the sake seller shall promptly acquire the target product and start storage after the Shipping Date.
  4. The sake seller shall store the target product with the care of a good manager until the specified storage period (hereinafter referred to as "Specified Storage Period") expires, starting from the establishment date of the sales contract (storage after shipping) based on Article 3, Paragraph 2, Item 3.
  5. The final holder holding the sake ticket (storage after shipping) can use the sake ticket at any time before the expiration of the Specified Storage PeriodHowever, if the sake seller has set the Available Date for the sake ticket (storage after shipping), the final holder can use the sake ticket (storage after shipping) only after the Available Date.
  6. If the final holder uses the sake ticket before the expiration of the Specified Storage Period based on the previous paragraph, the final holder cannot receive a refund of the Storage Option Fee, etc(in whole or in part).
  7. The final holder holding the sake ticket (storage after shipping) must complete the use of the sake ticket by the expiration of the Specified Storage PeriodNotwithstanding this paragraph, if the use of the sake ticket is not completed by the expiration of the Specified Storage Period, the sake seller can extinguish the sake ticket. If the sake ticket (storage after shipping) is extinguished based on this paragraph, the right to claim delivery of the target product represented by the sake ticket will also be lost.
  8. The sake seller shall sell the target product of the extinguished sake ticket (storage after shipping) by auction or private saleIf the sake seller gains revenue from the disposal, the sake seller shall send the amount after deducting actual expenses (including storage fees until disposal but not limited to this) to the Final Holder Wallet. However, this does not apply if the final holder violated these Terms.
  9. The sake seller shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users, purchasers, and final holders due to the extinction of the sake ticket (storage after shipping) based on Paragraph 7, except as specified in the previous paragraph.

Chapter 3. Personal Transactions

Article 9. Transfer of Sake Tickets

  1. The final holder can transfer sake tickets to third parties for a fee or free of chargeHowever, the final holder cannot separate and transfer only the sake ticket or only the right to claim delivery, and if the sake ticket is transferred, the right to claim delivery is also transferred, and if the right to claim delivery is transferred, the sake ticket is also transferred.
  2. If the final holder transfers the sake ticket to a third party, the final holder must ensure that the third party inherits the rights and obligations based on these Terms.
  3. If the final holder transfers the sake ticket to a third party in compliance with these Terms and the third party agrees that these Terms apply to all transactions of the sake ticket, the sake seller shall accept the transfer of the sake ticket and the right to claim delivery to the third party without objection.

Article 10. Paid Transfer

  1. The final holder can transfer sake tickets for a fee only in this Market.
  2. If the paid transfer in the previous paragraph is established, the final holder must pay the royalty and market fee from the received price of the sake ticketThe market fee is paid directly to the Market Administrator, and the royalty is paid directly to the sake seller.
  3. The gas fee is incurred as an actual expense for the paid transfer of sake tickets in this MarketThe gas fee is incurred by the final holder when listing the sake ticket and by the reseller when accepting the sale request from the final holder, and by the reseller when purchasing the listed sake ticket and by the final holder when making the sale request to the final holder.
  4. The reseller and the final holder must pay the price of the sake ticket and the gas fee in advance in the cryptocurrency designated by the sake seller.

Article 11. Free Transfer

  1. The final holder can transfer sake tickets to third parties for freeThe final holder can also transfer sake tickets for free in marketplaces other than this Market. However, the final holder is fully responsible for the free transfer of sake tickets using marketplaces other than this Market, and the sake seller is not responsible for any costs, problems, disputes, etc., arising from such free transfers.
  2. If the final holder transfers the sake ticket to a third party for free, the third party is not obligated to pay the royalty to the sake seller.
  3. If the final holder transfers the sake ticket to a third party in this Market, the gas fee incurred by the transfer is borne by the final holderThe gas fee must be paid in advance in the cryptocurrency designated by the sake seller.

Chapter 4. Delivery

Article 12. Delivery Claim

Those who hold a legally valid right to claim delivery can receive the delivery of the target product from the sake seller. However, the right to claim delivery must be exercised by the holder in one of the following ways:

  1. Using the sake ticket in this Market by the method specified in this Market
  2. Proving with objective materials at the sake seller's head office that the holder is the person holding the right to claim delivery

Article 13. Shipping

  1. If the sake ticket is used by the method specified in this Market, the sake seller shall promptly ship the target product to the designated delivery locationHowever, this does not apply if the final holder violates these Terms or if the sake seller reasonably determines that the final holder has violated these Terms.
  2. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, if any of the following circumstances are recognized regarding the designated delivery location, the sake seller shall store the target product for up to one month from the date of completion of the use of the sake ticket, and the final holder shall receive the delivery of the target product at the sake seller's head office during the storage periodThe sake seller shall store the target product with the same care as for its own benefit.
    1. If the designated delivery location is outside the delivery area specified in Appendix 3
    2. If the designated delivery location is within the delivery area specified in Appendix 3 but cannot be specified
    3. If the target product is not received and returned after shipping
    4. If it is extremely difficult to deliver for other reasons
  3. In the case of the previous paragraph, the final holder can receive the delivery of the target product at the sake seller's head office by presenting the Final Holder Wallet and its wallet address and other information requested by the sake sellerThe final holder shall bear all costs required for the delivery of the target product in this case.
  4. In the case of Paragraph 2, if the sake seller starts the shipping process of the target product after completing the use of the sake ticket, the shipping fee, etc., will not be refundedOn the other hand, if the sake seller stores the target product based on Paragraph 2 before starting the shipping process, the sake seller shall refund the amount equivalent to the fee received after deducting the actual expenses (including gas fees) required for the refund from the shipping fee, etc., to the Final Holder Wallet in cryptocurrency. If the final holder paid the shipping fee, etc., in Japanese yen, the cryptocurrency will be converted at the reference exchange rate at the time of payment of the shipping fee, etc.
  5. If the sake ticket is used by the method specified in this Market, it is deemed that the right to claim delivery has been exercised by the person who legally and validly holds the right to claim deliveryFurthermore, if the sake seller delivers the target product in response to the use of the sake ticket, it is considered a valid performance of the obligation to deliver the target product, and the sake seller shall not be liable for any responsibility regarding the delivery.

Article 14. On-Site Delivery

  1. In addition to the method specified in the previous article, those who legally and validly hold the right to claim delivery can receive the delivery of the target product at the sake seller's head office by proving with objective materials (including the Final Holder Wallet and its wallet address) that they are the person holding the right to claim delivery, and if the sake seller reasonably believes that the proof has been made.
  2. In the case of the previous paragraph, all costs required for the delivery of the target product shall be borne by the person exercising the right to claim delivery.
  3. If the sake seller delivers the target product based on Paragraph 1, the sake seller can extinguish the sake ticket representing the right to claim delivery of the target product.

Article 15. Commemorative NFT

  1. The sake seller can issue a commemorative NFT to the final holder if the final holder completes the use of the sake ticket by the method specified in this Market and the sake seller confirms the completion of the use of the sake ticket.
  2. The commemorative NFT does not represent any obligations or rights.
  3. The sake seller shall bear the costs (including gas fees) incurred in issuing the commemorative NFT.

Chapter 5. Damage to Target Products

Article 16. Defects, Damage, etc. of Target Products

  1. If the target product received by using the sake ticket (immediate shipping) has defects, if the actual product is clearly different from the product description, or if the product is damaged during delivery due to inadequate packaging, the sake seller shall be responsible, and if the final holder notifies the sake seller in writing (including email) within five days after the completion of delivery, the sake seller shall handle refunds, returns, or exchanges at the sake seller's responsibility and expenseHowever, for target products delivered by using the sake ticket (scheduled date shipping) or the sake ticket (storage after shipping), the sake seller shall not handle refunds, returns, repairs, or exchanges except as specified in the following paragraphs.
  2. If the target product is damaged, etc., before the delivery of the target product, making it impossible or extremely difficult to perform the obligation to deliver the target product, the sake ticket shall automatically be extinguishedFurthermore, if the sake ticket is extinguished based on this paragraph, the right to claim delivery of the target product represented by the sake ticket will also be lost.
  3. If the sake ticket is extinguished based on the previous paragraph due to reasons attributable to the sake seller, the sake seller shall pay the final holder the amount equivalent to the price paid for the sake ticket on this Market to acquire the sake ticketHowever, the maximum amount shall be 1.5 times the price specified in Article 5, Paragraph 2 for the primary sales transaction of the sake ticket.
  4. The sake seller shall pay the amount specified in the previous paragraph to the Final Holder Wallet in cryptocurrencyIf the final holder paid the price in Japanese yen, the amount will be converted to cryptocurrency at the reference exchange rate at the end of the day before the payment.
  5. If the final holder received the sake ticket for free on this Market or received it outside this Market, or if it is difficult to calculate the amount paid by the final holder to acquire the sake ticket, the sake seller shall pay the final holder the amount equivalent to the price of the sake ticket at the time of the primary sales transaction specified in Article 5, Paragraph 2.
  6. The sake seller shall pay the amount specified in the previous paragraph to the Final Holder Wallet in cryptocurrencyThe sake seller shall convert the amount equivalent to the price of the sake ticket at the time of the primary sales transaction specified in Article 5, Paragraph 2 to cryptocurrency at the reference exchange rate at the end of the day before the payment.
  7. If the sake ticket is extinguished based on Paragraph 2 for reasons not attributable to the sake seller, the sake seller shall pay the final holder the amount equivalent to the price of the sake ticket at the time of the primary sales transaction (excluding storage option fees, etc., and shipping fees, etc.).
  8. The sake seller shall pay the amount specified in the previous paragraph to the Final Holder Wallet in cryptocurrencyIf the final holder paid the price in Japanese yen, the amount will be converted to cryptocurrency at the reference exchange rate at the end of the day before the payment.
  9. This article shall be the only method for the final holder to receive compensation for losses if the target product is damaged, etc., before the delivery of the target product, making it impossible or extremely difficult to perform the obligation to deliver the target productIn such cases, the sake seller shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users, purchasers, and final holders due to the extinction of the sake ticket, except as specified in this article.
  10. If the target product is damaged, etc., before the delivery of the target product, making it impossible or extremely difficult to perform the obligation to deliver the target product, the sake seller shall notify the final holder based on Article 19, Paragraph 2.

Chapter 6. Prohibited Acts

Article 17. Prohibited Acts

  1. Users and purchasers shall not engage in the following acts:
    1. Acts that violate these Terms or the User Terms of Use
    2. Use of this Market and this Service by persons under 20 years old
    3. Acts that infringe the rights of sake sellers, market administrators, or other third parties, or acts that assist or promote such infringement
    4. The following acts aimed at manipulating the price of sake tickets:
      1. Spreading unreasonable facts to an unspecified number of people
      2. Engaging in fraudulent acts using means that mislead others
      3. Engaging in behavior that unnecessarily stimulates others' gambling spirit
      4. Using violence or threats
    5. Double transfer of sake tickets or attempting to do so
    6. Conducting transactions of sake tickets for illegal purposes such as crime or money laundering, or conducting transactions that can be objectively judged as having illegal purposes
    7. Acts that violate the Penal Code or other laws and regulations
    8. Engaging in acts prohibited by service providers, etc., providing payment services in the settlement of sake tickets
    9. Acts that damage the brand, credibility, etc., of sake sellers
    10. Engaging in any of the acts in the previous items jointly with third parties or instigating or assisting third parties in such acts
    11. Other acts that the sake seller reasonably deems significantly inappropriate
  2. If the sake seller reasonably determines that the final holder has violated the previous paragraph, the sake seller can extinguish the sake ticket held by the final holderUsers and purchasers shall understand and agree in advance that the sake ticket they hold may be extinguished due to such circumstances. Furthermore, if the sake ticket is extinguished based on this paragraph, the right to claim delivery of the target product represented by the sake ticket will also be lost.
  3. If the sake seller gains revenue from the disposal of the target product of the extinguished sake ticket based on the previous paragraph, the sake seller shall send the amount after deducting actual expenses (if the revenue is generated in a currency other than cryptocurrency, it shall be converted to cryptocurrency at the reference exchange rate at the end of the disposal date) to the Final Holder WalletHowever, this does not apply if the final holder violated these Terms.
  4. Except as specified in the previous paragraph, the sake seller shall not be liable for any losses incurred by users, purchasers, and final holders due to the extinction of the sake ticket based on Paragraph 2.

Chapter 7. Disclaimer

Article 18. Disclaimer

The sake seller shall not be liable for any damages caused by the following:

  1. Earthquakes, tsunamis, high tides, floods, storms, climate changes, explosions, wars, incidents, riots, robberies, labor disputes, pests, the nature or defects of the target product, requisition, quarantine, or other unavoidable disasters, accidents, orders, measures, or preservation acts
  2. Damages caused by violations of these Terms or the User Terms of Use

Chapter 8. Miscellaneous Provisions

Article 19. Notifications

  1. Purchasers shall register their email address in the user registration information by the method specified in this Market.
  2. Notifications from the sake seller to purchasers shall be made by sending an email to the email address registered in the user registration informationPurchasers shall bear all disadvantages caused by not registering the email address specified in the previous paragraph, and the sake seller shall not be liable for any responsibility.
  3. Purchasers agree in advance that notifications from the sake seller shall be deemed to have arrived at the time when the purchaser can view the email or 24 hours after the sake seller sends the email, whichever is earlier, if the sake seller sends notifications by email.

Article 20. Contact and Promotion

  1. The sake seller may contact users or purchasers by phone, email, or other methods to conduct opinion surveys, transaction status surveys, hearings, etc., regarding this Service.
  2. The sake seller may contact users or purchasers by phone, email, mail, or other methods to announce campaigns, advertisements, etc., related to this Service.

Article 21. Personal Information

The sake seller shall handle the personal information of purchasers and users in accordance with the privacy policy separately established, and purchasers and users shall agree to this.

Article 22. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms shall be interpreted based on Japanese law, and if litigation is necessary regarding these Terms, the Kyoto District Court shall be the exclusive agreed jurisdictional court of the first instance.

Article 23. Validity of This Agreement

  1. Even if part of the provisions of these Terms is judged to be invalid based on laws and regulations, the parts other than the invalid provisions shall remain valid.
  2. Even if part of the provisions of these Terms is judged to be invalid or canceled concerning specific users, these Terms shall remain valid concerning other users.

Article 24. Revision of These Terms

If these Terms are revised, the sake seller shall notify users by posting on this Market or by other methods specified by the market administrator, considering the impact and the operational status of this Market. The revised Terms shall take effect after a certain notice period has passed or when the user uses this Service after the notification, whichever is earlier.

Shipping Fees, etc.

Region of Designated Delivery LocationShipping Fee (per item)Handling Fee
Regions within Japan excluding Hokkaido, Okinawa, and remote islands1200 yen / itemNone
Hokkaido, Okinawa, and remote islands within Japan2200 yen / itemNone

Storage Option Fees, etc.

Storage MethodInitial Handling Fee (including tax)Storage Option Fee (including tax)
Aging Storage1000 yen / item2400 yen / year (200 yen per month)
Freezing and storage1500 yen / item (including rapid freezing processing fee)7200 yen / year (600 yen per month)

Regions Available for Delivery

  • Japan

This website was made possible by a subsidy from the Monozukuri Manufacturing Subsidy Fund, as amended in FY2022.

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At Sake World NFT, you can not only simply purchase NFTs to redeem for sake on sale, but you can also reserve sake to be brewed in the future or pick up sake after it has been aged!
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