Ichihaku (aged sake/aged sake) [Nakazawa Sake Brewery]
Founded in the mid to late Edo period in Higashiomi City, on the east side of Lake Biwa. In 2000, they suspended sake brewing in their own brewery. After that, they rented a brewery from Hata Sake Brewery in the same city and launched the Ichihiro brand, and in 2015 they resumed sake brewing in their own brewery. The brand name "Ichihiro" was chosen by taking one character from each of the two Noto brewers, Sakagashira Hoichi and Taniuchi Hiroshi, who were apprenticed to the master brewer Nakazawa Kazuhiro. They only use sake brewing rice (Yamada Nishiki and Ginbuki) produced by the local contracted farmer Donbyakusho Association, and produce only pure rice sake.
This website was made possible by a subsidy from the Monozukuri Manufacturing Subsidy Fund, as amended in FY2022.