瓢太閤 阿波天水 純米吟醸

瓢太閤 阿波天水 純米吟醸
29.417 MATIC
Inventory count 30/30
Remaining time until end of sale in 2 months (December 31st, 2024 2:59:00 PM)
Product description
原料米に、徳島の酒造好適米「阿波山田錦」を100%使用しています。この米は阿讃山脈から広がる南斜面の温暖な気候の立地条件を活かし、山沿いの水田にて栽培され、酒造会社、生産者、農協などが意見交換し徹底的に品質管理がなされています。「阿波天水 純米吟醸」は旨み、酸味、甘味のバランスが良く、華やかな香りが特徴です。「天水」は徳島では阿波踊りに熱中する人を指し、天から降る水と踊りさえあれば他に何もいらないという意味で、一つのことに熱中する人のことです。杜氏が酒造りに没頭し、ひたすら旨い酒を求めて技術を極める様はまさに「天水」です。
Hyoutaiko [Nissin Shurui Co., Ltd.]
Taiko Shuzojo, a sake brewery that has been in business since the late Edo period, makes sake by taking advantage of the nature and blessings of Awa Tokushima. With the motto "New every day," which is in the company name, we continue to study every day and deliver a wide variety of products. "Hisago Taiko" is a sake brewed with traditional techniques and the climate and soil of Tokushima, with great care taken with every drop.
Product details
Alcohol content
Content by volume
Product size
60 size
Place of origin (region)
Tokushima Prefecture
Year of production
Special designation
Sake meter value

This website was made possible by a subsidy from the Monozukuri Manufacturing Subsidy Fund, as amended in FY2022.

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