太秦麗 × Sake World

太秦麗 × Sake World
58.83401 MATIC
Inventory count 30/30
Remaining time until end of sale in 2 months (December 31st, 2024 2:59:00 PM)
Product description
純米大吟醸をベースに、京都うまれの酵母「京の恋」と酒米「祝」で仕込まれた「神蔵 クリア」など、計3種の日本酒を特別にアッサンブラージュ。ライチのような弾ける香り・酸味と、とろりとしたコクがなんとも飲みやすい。「初めて日本酒を飲んだ人でも美味しいと感じてもらえるように」と語る松井酒造の酒づくりを存分に味わうことのできる一本です。
Uzumasa Rei × Sake World
太秦麗 × Sake World
Kyoto City Transportation Bureau's subway and city bus support mascot "Uzumasa Rei" has collaborated with Sake World in a special collaboration. This is the first time in eight years since 2016 that a limited edition sake label featuring Uzumasa Rei, who loves sake, will be on sale.
Product details
Alcohol content
Content by volume
Product size
60 size
Place of origin (region)
Kyoto Prefecture
Year of production
Special designation
Sake meter value

This website was made possible by a subsidy from the Monozukuri Manufacturing Subsidy Fund, as amended in FY2022.

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