農酵酒 sign70

農酵酒 sign70
29.417 MATIC
Inventory count 30/30
Remaining time until end of sale in 2 months (December 31st, 2024 2:59:00 PM)
Product description
副題は「諧和 かいわ」。自然界の諧和から生じるケミストリー(不思議な力、作用、変化)をあらわすお酒です。諧和とは和らぎ親しみ合うこと。大地の実り、微生物、人(醸し手)が会話し、調和することが作用して、ひと月を越える長い発酵の最後に、美味しさという好果を生じます。70%は、米の醪(もろみ)への溶け出し(=麹菌が生む酵素の作用)と、酵母の活動が同調しやすく、醸し手も穏やかに醪を見守ることのできる(原料米の)精米歩合です。製法上、稲穂色を帯びており、原料由来の滓(おり)を生じることがありますが、衛生・品質に関する問題はありません。
Fermented sake [Miyako Nishiki Brewery]
This pure rice sake is made with the utmost care for its ingredients, and is the result of a collaboration between a mountain agricultural group in Shimane Prefecture and a seaside brewery. Noukoshu, a combination of farming and fermentation, is natural, simple, straightforward and unadorned, and is a sake that expresses the essence of fermentation in a rich way. The essence of fermentation is the activity of healthy microorganisms that unfolds on the stage of the harvest born from healthy soil, their dynamism (vitality, momentum) and the chemistry that arises from it (the power, action, and change that arise from the combination and reaction of individuality). When people (brewers) harmonize with the flow of nature, the chemistry is transformed into "deliciousness." The raw rice (rice) is grown in soil where a variety of microorganisms, small animals, and plants coexist under environmental conservation agriculture.
Product details
Alcohol content
Content by volume
Product size
60 size
Place of origin (region)
Shimane Prefecture
Year of production
Special designation
Sake meter value

This website was made possible by a subsidy from the Monozukuri Manufacturing Subsidy Fund, as amended in FY2022.

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